Is your senior management succession pipeline full?

Do you know your turn-over replacement costs and how it impacts company profits?

Do your middle managers feel valued, see a future with your company?

How can you succeed if your middle management is frustrated and you don’t know?

Let us help you build your bench while keeping it simple.

Develop Manager Communication Skills
Managers who need to develop communication skills and techniques to effectively deal with their team, supervisor, senior management, other departments and of course company clients.
Learn what to say and how to say it using the four communicate modes: verbal, listening, written, and non-verbal silent statement
Learn how 3C Management Training classes will help improve manager communication skills.

Create Great Business
Understand the importance of establishing great business relations
Learn the elements in building solid, long-lasting productive relationships using the R.E.S.P.E.C.T. model and 15 aspects of civility
3C Management Training can provide classes to improve interaction between employees and your customers toms and cultures.

Senior management teams that are “going global” and want to be educated and briefed on a country’s business customs, culture, and idiosyncrasies
Sales teams that need to know how to do business and contract negotiations in another country
Let 3C Management Training help your team be more prepared to succeed in the International Arena through better knowledge of customs and cultures.
What Our Clients Say
“Proven & Accepted Strategies”
Your class was a valuable way to educate employees about proven and accepted strategies that build and maintain successful business relationships. The training also served to reinforce how employee implementation of these strategies positively strengthens our company’s vision, mission and values, as well our overall corporate image. I am happy to report that attendee feedback was positive and that employees considered the class an excellent use of their time.
– Mariela Guzman Relations, Events, and Protocol Manager, CITGO Petroleum Corporation